Center for Econometrics
The center’s activities include sponsoring faculty visitors from other universities, organizing econometrics-related conferences and supporting the econometrics seminar.
Our centers advance research and knowledge on a variety of economics topics.
The center’s activities include sponsoring faculty visitors from other universities, organizing econometrics-related conferences and supporting the econometrics seminar.
Co-directed by Professors Joel Mokyr and Joseph Ferrie, the center hosts weekly seminars of visiting scholars and regular lunch meetings where students present their preliminary research results.
Northwestern has the world's largest economic theory community, with scholars in the Department of Economics, the Kellogg School of Management and other Northwestern departments. CET promotes the relationships between this large community of scholars.
CIM draws faculty fellows from both the Economics department and the Kellogg School of Management. The center organizes regular conferences and invites distinguished scholars to give lectures.
The Global Poverty Research Lab uses empirical evidence to address the challenges of overcoming poverty and improve well-being in the developing world. The Lab is an academic hub for empirical development economics and related disciplines.
CSIO provides funding for research assistantships, travel, and data sets, as well as a visitor program that regularly brings to campus the top IO researchers in the world.
The Morton Schapiro Center for Applied Economics supports the research and enhances the intellectual life of Northwestern scholars whose research is related to all fields of applied microeconomics, including labor economics, public economics, urban economics, and health economics.
IDEAL is a multi-discipline (computer science, statistics, economics, electrical engineering, and operations research) and multi-institution (Northwestern University, Toyota Technological Institute at Chicago, and University of Chicago) collaborative institute that focuses on key aspects of the theoretical foundations of data science.