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Non-Departmental Funding Sources


National Science Foundation Fellowship

These fellowships are available to U.S. citizens and permanent residents, including students completing their 1st year in a Ph.D. program.

Northwestern University Presidential Fellowships

This is Northwestern's most prestigious award, and covers tuition and stipend for one or two years, plus a research funding. Typically, applicants will be in their fourth year.

Northwestern University Transportation Center Dissertation-Year Fellowships

The Transportation Center offers a stipend plus tuition award to eligible students who are in the final 12 months of their thesis research. Research in the area of transportation, broadly defined, and public utilities is eligible.

Other External Fellowships

Many of our students are successful in obtaining other external fellowships, both from within the United States and from foreign countries. The Graduate School (TGS) has policies to supplement and incentivize external awards.

Funding for Research-Related Expenses

Graduate Research Grants are provided by TGS to support research activities, including acquisition of data and travel.

Funding for Conference Travel

TGS also has funds available for conference travel grants

Funding for Job-Market Expenses

Career Development Grants for Humanists and Social Scientists are provided by The Graduate School to support students’ next professional steps after graduate school be they on the conventional academic path or not.