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Spring 2023 Class Schedule

This represents the initial intentions of the Economics Department. Times are subject to change when the Registrar allocates rooms.
ECON 201Introduction to MacroeconomicsMcKenzieMWF  2:00-2:50T or Th at 3:30 or 4:30 $
ECON 202Introduction to MicroeconomicsHernández-SaboritTTh  11:00-12:20F at 9 or 10 $
ECON 202Introduction to MicroeconomicsOgawaTTh  3:30-4:50W at 10, 5, 6 or 7 $
ECON 281Introduction to Applied EconometricsWalkerMWF  9:00-9:50T or Th at 5 or 6 $
ECON 307Economics of Medical CareLimbrockMW  12:30-1:50F 12:30-1:50
ECON 308Money and BankingSchulzMW  3:30-4:50F 3:30-4:50
ECON 309Public FinanceLewisTTh  3:30-4:50F 4:00-4:50
ECON 310-1Microeconomics ISinitsynTTh  2:00-3:20M or W at 4 or 5 $
ECON 310-2Microeconomics IIPeiTTh  9:30-10:50Th at 5 or 6 or F at 10 or 11 $
ECON 311MacroeconomicsWitteMWF  12:00-12:50T at 9. 10, 5 or 6 $
ECON 313Economics of DataLiangTTh  2:00-3:20F 1:00-1:50
ECON 315Topics in Economic HistoryLevintal (Loewenthal)TTh  11:00-12:20F 10:00-10:50
ECON 324Western Economic HistoryHanlonTTh  12:30-1:50F 12:00-12:50
ECON 329Experimental EconomicsOgawaMW  12:30-1:50F 12:30-1:50
ECON 330Behavioral EconomicsSchulzMW  7:00-8:20pmF 10:00-10:50
ECON 342Economics of GenderHernández-SaboritTTh  9:30-10:50F 9:00-9:50
ECON 343Economics of ImmigrationMcKenzieMW  11:00-12:20F 11:00-12:20
ECON 349Industrial EconomicsHendelTTh  2:00-3:20F 3:00-3:50
ECON 358Economics of Art and CultureHornstenTTh  12:30-1:50F 1:00-1:50
ECON 361International TradeMatsuyamaMW  2:00-3:20F 2:00-3:20
ECON 362International FinanceWalkerMW  2:00-3:20F 2:00-3:20
ECON 372Environmental EconomicsWitteTTh  11:00-12:20F 11:00-11:50
ECON 381-2EconometricsBhattacharyaMW  2:00-3:20F 2:00-3:20
ECON 398-2Senior SeminarHornstenTBA  TBA
ECON 410-3MicroeconomicsPavanMW  1:30-3:20KGH 1410T 5:30-7:20, F 3:00-4:50
ECON 411-3MacroeconomicsRognlieTTh  1:00-2:50KGH 1410F 11:00-12:50
ECON 412-3Economic Theory and MethodsPeiTTh  3:30-5:20KGH 3301
ECON 414-3Economics of InformationGolubMW  5:00-6:20KGH 1410
ECON 416-3Advanced MacroeconomicsChristianoMW  2:00-3:50KGH 3301
ECON 420-1American Economic HistoryChabotMW  6:30-8:20pmKGH 3301
ECON 440-1Labor EconomicsJacomeMW  9:00-10:50KGH 3301
ECON 450-3Industrial OrganizationHendelTTh  11:00-12:50KGH 1410
ECON 460-2International EconomicsMatsuyamaMW  4:00-5:50KGH 3301
ECON 480-3EconometricsCanayTTh  9:00-10:50KGH 1410M 12:00-1:20 (KGH 3301), F 9:00-10:50 (KGH 1410)
ECON 481-3Advanced EconometricsCanayTTh  1:30-3:20KGH 3301
ECON 498-1Advanced Topics in EconomicsReguantTTh  9:00-10:50KGH 3301
ECON 498-2Advanced Topics in EconomicsAngeletosTh  12:30-1:20 *KGH 3301
ECON 501Graduate Student SeminarPavan  MWF - MW 11:00 - 11:50 AM, F 2:00- 2:50 PMKGH 1410
ECON 515Research Seminar in Economic TheoryElyW  3:30-4:50KGH TBA
ECON 520Research Seminar in Economic HistoryFerrieW  3:30-4:50KGH TBA
ECON 525Research Seminar in Development EconomicsBeamanTh  3:30-4:50KGH 1410
ECON 530Research Seminar in MacroeconomicsPrimiceriM  12:00-1:20KGH 1410
ECON 535Research Seminar in Applied MicroeconomicsSchnellT  2:30-3:50TBA
ECON 550Research Seminar in Industrial OrganizationPorterM  3:30-4:50KGH 1410
ECON 580Research Seminar in EconometricsCanayT  4:00-5:20KGH 1410
STAT 210Introduction to Probability and StatisticsSinitsynMWF  10:00-10:50T at 5 or Th at 4 $

$ = Discussion sections in core classes are for 50 minutes
* = Open to students presenting in the Macroeconomics Lunch Workshop during AY 2022-23. May not be counted as one of the nine field-sequence courses.