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Fall 2024 Class Schedule

The locations of undergraduate classes are determined by the Registrar and room information is given in CAESAR.

Click on the course name to view a description and prerequisites.

ECON 101-7College SeminarHernández-SaboritTTh  9:00-10:20
ECON 101-7College SeminarOgawaTTh  11:00-12:20
ECON 101-7College SeminarSinitsynMW  2:00-3:20
ECON 101-7College SeminarWalkerMW  9:30-10:50
ECON 201Introduction to MacroeconomicsJinMWF  11:00-11:50T or Th at 4 or 5 $
ECON 201Introduction to MacroeconomicsWitteMWF  2:00-2:50T at 9, 10, 5 or 6 $
ECON 202Introduction to MicroeconomicsHornstenMWF  10:00-10:50Th at 10, 4, 5 or 6 $
ECON 281Introduction to Applied EconometricsLewisMWF  1:00-1:50T or Th at 5 or 6 $
ECON 307Economics of Medical CareLimbrockTTh  12:30-1:50F 1:00-1:50
ECON 308Money and BankingWalkerMW  12:30-1:50F 12:30-1:50
ECON 310-1Microeconomics ISchulzMW  5:00-6:20F at 12 or 1 $
ECON 310-2Microeconomics IIDworczakTTh  3:30-4:50M or W at 4 or 5 $
ECON 311MacroeconomicsPrimiceriTTh  2:00-3:20M or W at 3 or 4 $
ECON 316Advanced Topics in MacroeconomicsEichenbaumTTh  3:30-4:50F 4:00-4:50
ECON 323-2Economic History of the United States After 1865ChabotMW  6:30-7:50pmF 3:00-3:50
ECON 324Western Economic HistoryHanlonTTh  2:00-3:20F 1:00-1:50
ECON 325Economic Growth and DevelopmentJinMW  2:00-3:20F 2:00-3:20
ECON 326The Economics of Developing CountriesBeamanMW  12:30-1:50F 12:30-1:50
ECON 329Experimental EconomicsOgawaMW  3:30-4:50F 3:30-4:50
ECON 331Economics of Risk and UncertaintySiniscalchiTTh  9:30-10:50F 9:00-9:50
ECON 337Economics of State and Local GovernmentsChangMW  9:30-10:50F 9:30-10:50
ECON 339Labor EconomicsLewisTTh  2:00-3:20F 3:00-3:50
ECON 342Economics of GenderHernández-SaboritTTh  11:00-12:20F 11:00-11:50
ECON 349Industrial EconomicsPorterMW  9:30-10:50F 9:30-10:50
ECON 350Monopoly, Competition, and Public PolicyHornstenTTh  9:30-10:50F 10:00-10:50
ECON 355Transportation Economics and Public PolicySavageMW  11:00-12:20F 11:00-12:20
ECON 360-1Foundations of Corporate Finance TheoryUedaTTh  11:00-12:20F 12:00-12:50
ECON 401Mathematical Methods of Economic TheoryOlszewskiAugust 26-September 20  KGH 1410
ECON 410-1MicroeconomicsDekelMW  9:00-10:50KGH 1410W 3:30-5:20, F 3:00-4:50
ECON 411-1MacroeconomicsChristianoTTh  9:00-10:50KGH 1410F 11:00-12:50
ECON 412-1Economic Theory and MethodsStruloviciTTh  1:30-3:20KGH 3301
ECON 414-1Economics of InformationDworczakTTh  9:00-10:50KGH 3301
ECON 416-1Advanced MacroeconomicsChristianoMW  1:30-3:20KGH 3301
ECON 420-1American Economic HistoryFerrieTTh  5:30-7:20pmKGH 3301
ECON 425-1Development EconomicsBeamanMW  9:00-10:50KGH 3301
ECON 436-1Public FinanceVannutelliMW  3:30-5:20KGH 3301
ECON 440-2Labor EconomicsAdams-PrasslMF  M: 12:00-1:20, F 3:00-4:50KGH 3301
ECON 450-1Industrial OrganizationIllanesMW  1:30-3:20KGH 1410
ECON 480-1EconometricsHorowitzTTh  1:00-2:50KGH 1410F 9:00- 10:50 (in KGH 3301 & KGH 1410)
ECON 482Applied Time-Series EconometricsPrimiceriTTh  11:00-12:50KGH 1410
ECON 501Graduate Student SeminarPavanMWF  - MW 11:00-11:50, F 2:00-2:50KGH 1410
ECON 515Research Seminar in Economic TheoryElyW  3:30-4:50TBA
ECON 520Research Seminar in Economic HistoryFerrieW  3:30-4:50TBA
ECON 525Research Seminar in Development EconomicsUdryTh  3:30-4:50KGH 1410
ECON 530Research Seminar in MacroeconomicsPrimiceriM  12:00-1:20KGH 1410
ECON 535Research Seminar in Applied MicroeconomicsVannutelliT  2:30-3:50TBA
ECON 550Research Seminar in Industrial OrganizationPorterM  3:30-4:50KGH 1410
ECON 580Research Seminar in EconometricsCanayT  4:00-5:20KGH 1410
STAT 210Introduction to Probability and StatisticsSinitsynMWF  12:00-12:50T at 5 or Th at 4 $

$ = discussion sections in core classes are for 50 minutes