Thank You to Our Donors

The continued support of our alumni helps us maintain and improve one of the premier economics programs in the world. Thank you for your generosity!
Alumni and Friends of the Department of Economics,
Northwestern has just completed the fall quarter, and we in the Department look forward to an exciting winter and spring. As many of you know, this is the time of year when we actively recruit both new faculty and the next cohort of Ph.D. students...
The continued support of our alumni helps us maintain and improve one of the premier economics programs in the world. Thank you for your generosity!
Our faculty have been busy this year advancing the bounds of economic scholarship, engaging the world and setting high standards for our students.
This fall, thanks to support from our donors, the department was able to sponsor 21 undergraduate research assistant positions to work with current PhD students. Read more about how this novel program has benefited both the undergraduate and graduate student participants.
Awards for Distinguished Teaching Assistants were given out at our winter department reception. See the full list of award winners.
Our undergraduate students have been busy in the 2024-25 academic year, both in the many department-sponsored student organizations and attending welcome back events organized by the department.
Learn about Professor Charles Manski's new book, "Discourse on Social Planning under Uncertainty."
On January 9, 2025, the Department will host "A Conversation with Kirabo Jackson: Insights from His Time on President Biden's Council of Economic Advisers" featuring Department of Economics Professor Kirabo Jackson in conversation with Andrew V. Papachristos, Director for the Institute for Policy Research. If you plan to attend, please RSVP here.
This upcoming spring, the Department will be hosting four conferences: the Wealth in People: An Interpretation of Africa Conference, organized by Joel Mokyr, a conference in honor of Department of Economics Professor Bob Gordon who will be retiring from the Department after 51 years, an Econometrics Conference in Honor of Professor Joel Horowitz, and the Classical Economic History Conference, organized by Walker Hanlon and Joel Mokyr.
We would love to hear from you! Please stay in touch and informed of department news by adding us on LinkedIn and Twitter.
Finally, if you are interested in speaking to our students about your career (any field) or being featured in our newsletter or Alumni Spotlights page, please reach out to Samantha Westlake-Hart.